Scroll - August 2018
Paul’s Place – Friday, August 10th, 2018, 6:30am
President Mike Cuchna opened the meeting. Following the opening, introduction of guests and announcements were made.
Aug 18 – Rotary District Membership and Foundation Retreat
Aug 14 – First Merced Field of Honor meeting, Nancy's house, 5:30pm
We had the fortunate circumstances to have two sets of speakers today. County Supervisor Lee Lor brought with her Mayya Tokman. Lee spoke about her vision for tomorrow and the changes she is working toward, including a Children's Science Museum. Mayya provided insight into the Merced Kids Discovery Station (KiDS) a hands on science museum currently being hosted at the Merced County Library (through 21 August). Mayya is a UC Merced Mathematics professor and faculty director of the CalTeach program at UC Merced.
Our second set of speakers came to us via the Merced County Superintent of Schools - Samantha Thompson and Taylor Frost address local child care within the Early Education Department. They spoke about a new program called Caring for Our Black Children. Insight was provided on how this program will benefit students, their parents and our community.