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Scroll - September 2017

Paul’s Place – Friday, September 29th, 2017, 6:30am


President Mike Altomare opened the meeting.  Following the opening, announcements were made.




  • The Rotary District Governor will be visiting our club at the October 5th board meeting and speaking to our club on October 6th.


  • Please contact Pope with any weekly program ideas for the year


  • Due to Rich moving, Sunrise is in search of a Treasurer.  Please contact Mike if you’re interested.

  • The Foundation Dinner is November 18th. To be held at the McHenry Event Center/The Seasons, in Modesto.


  • Theresa Cesar is seeking someone to lead the Homeless dinner on Thursday, October 19th. 




Steve Shackelton from UC Merced’s Sierra Program introduced a Nature Bridge program for Veterans at Yosemite National Park and hopes to kick off the program during the summer of 2018.

The seminar objectives will help Veteran participants with how to apply their GI Bill Benefits for education, understanding California’s post-secondary education system, become familiar with the college application process, develop access for federal and state summer employment, know their federal and state Veterans career placement rights, meet a network of successful career Veterans and develop an alumni support cohort.


More broad the seminar goals include creating a recruitment pool of excellent career candidates, optimize agency workforce diversity, improve the wellness of Veterans by every measure and use parks and universities as expressions of thanks.


Paul’s Place – Friday, September 22nd, 2017, 6:30am


President-Elect Mike Cuchna opened the meeting.  Following the opening, announcements were made.




  • The Rotary District Governor will be visiting our club at the October 5th board meeting and speaking to our club on October 6th.


  • Please contact Pope with any weekly program ideas for the year


  • Due to Rich moving, Sunrise is in search of a Treasurer.  Please contact Mike if you’re interested.




Sam Traina, Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development at UC Merced gave an update on the start of the fall semester at the university.  Thirty-five new professors and lecturers from the schools of Engineering, Natural Science, Social Science, Humanities and Arts joined the UC Merced campus. Traina, went over each new additions research focus and interest.  An additional ten professors/lecturers will join by July 2018.


Paul’s Place – Friday, September 15th, 2017, 6:30am


President Mike Altomare opened the meeting.  Following the opening, announcements were made.




  • The Rotary District Governor will be visiting our club at the October 5th board meeting and speaking to our club on October 6th.


  • Please contact Pope with any weekly program ideas for the year


  • September 28th @ 4:00pm, Merced College will have a ribbon cutting and dedication ceremony for the 1LT Peter Joseph Gallo Veterans Resource Center


  • Vocational visits for 2017-2018 will be: UC Merced 2020 Project, McLane Pacific, Merced High School Gym and Laird


  • The annual Target kids shopping event will be held on December 2nd




Michael Urner, Owner of BEAT (Biology, Engineering, Agriculture, Technology) presented about his organization and the services they offer throughout Tuolumne, Merced, Fresno, Madera and Mariposa counties. BEAT offers classroom instruction, professional development and consultation services for schools, school districts, county education departments and economic development departments.  Michael also works with robotics and has worked to integrate robotics into education. Annually BEAT in partnership with Merced County Office of Education host’s children from the district for a Saturday of fun doing STEM activities.


Paul’s Place – Friday, September 8th, 2017, 6:30am


President-Elect Mike Cuchna opened the meeting.  Following the opening, announcements were made.




  • The Rotary District Governor will be visiting our club at the October 5th board meeting and speaking to our club on October 6th.


  • Please contact Pope with any weekly program ideas for the year


  • September 28th @ 4:00pm, Merced College will have a ribbon cutting and dedication ceremony for the 1LT Peter Joseph Gallo Veterans Resource Center




​Jane and Stan on behalf of the UC Merced Master Gardener’s presented the morning program; their organization provides practical, science-based information and best practices for gardening activities. The mission of the organization is to extend research-based knowledge and information on home horticulture, pest management, and sustainable landscape practices to the residents of California. Master Gardener volunteers are UC trained gardeners who work to promote healthier environments, plants, and communities.


Stan gave an interesting presentation on the citrus plant disease Huanglongbing, also known as HLB or citrus greening. Huanglongbing has been found in the Central Valley; the disease kills citrus trees and there is no cure. Inspect your citrus trees monthly for pest and disease.  Talk to your local nursery or garden center about products that can protect your tree from the Asian citrus psyllid.  Control ants on your citrus trees.  Ants interfere with beneficial insects and actually protect the Asian citrus psyllid.  Talk to your local nursery about ant bait that can help.


If you suspect your tree has the psyllid or the disease, act fast! Call the California Department of Food and Agriculture at 1-800-491-1899.


For more information or to become a Master Gardener, contact the UC Merced Master Gardeners here.

Paul’s Place – Friday, September 1st, 2017, 6:30am


President Mike Altamore opened the meeting.  Following the opening, announcements were made.




  • The Rotary District Governor will be visiting and attending the October 5th board meeting and speaking to our club on October 6th.


  • Mike A., Rich & Butch met with the City of Merced Parks & Recreation department regarding the need for a little league team and the availability of fields to play.  Stay tuned for follow up information on costs.


  • Steve Hobbs is the chair of the Speech Contest. We would like to encourage high school students to participate and encourage a winner.


  • Tanya has created a Facebook page for our club. Please “like” the Facebook page and submit information you’d like to be posted to Tanya.


  • Encourage members you have not seen in a while, to come back and attend the weekly meetings.


  • Donald is asking all members to vote online via the e-mail he has sent out indicating which vocational visit you’d like scheduled for the upcoming year. 




The program included an update on the Field of Honor planning by Nancy & Dewayne.  The Field of Honor event dates are November 3 – 11, 2017. The opening ceremonies will be held on Sunday, November 5th, the Veteran’s Day parade will be held on Saturday, September 11th and the closing ceremonies will take place on Saturday as well.


We need volunteers for setup, tear down and regular duties during November 3 – 12, 2017.  Online flag sales will start today, September 1, 2017.  Dewayne has already worked to reserve G street in which a banner will serve as part of our club’s advertising.  Radio Merced has been very generous and donated airtime to our club for advertising related to the Field of Honor.


A new activity this year will be a flag retirement ceremony.  The ceremony will take place on the field one day throughout the week; Boy Scout troops will be involved in conducting the flag retirement.


The next Field of Honor meeting will be at Nancy’s house, September 18th at 6:00pm

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