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Scroll - December 2017


Paul’s Place – Friday, December 15th, 2017, 6:30am


President Mike Altomare opened the meeting.  Following the opening, announcements were made.




  • Sunrise will be ringing the Salvation Army bell at Save Mart on December 23, to volunteer for a one-hour slot, contact Ruth Alejo.


  • January 5, 2018- Rotary Night Hockey Games- Stockton Arena, part of the proceeds from each ticket go to polio plus.


  • January 18, 2018 – UC Merced Women’s Basketball (5:30pm) & Men’s Basketball Game (7:30pm), both VS. Simpson University


  • February 3, 2018- Mid Year Assembly-Mary Ann Sanders Elem. School Modesto, the club will cover the cost to attend, RSVP as soon as possible to Mike Altomare.




Chris Vitelli, President of Merced College gave an update on programs and services that are happening at Merced College. Vitelli opened with statistics of Merced College students.  A large portion (70%) of students attending Merced College are on financial aid and 60% of Merced College students are Latino.  Merced College has been putting effort into student equity, which ensures all students have a chance to succeed.


Merced College has created a Career Technical Education (CTE) fast track in which students can finish their degree or certification in 1-2 semesters for trades such as Mechanical Design, Computer Networking, Automotive Technology, Diesel Equipment Technology, Welding Technology, Mechanized Agriculture and Industrial Electrical Technician.


The Gallo family, in honor of their brother First Lieutenant Peter Joseph Gallo funded a Veterans Resource Center through a $90,000 one-time private fund donation. The facility now provides an area on campus where Veterans feel welcome, can study, use computers and enjoy a quiet room.  Through a $1.5 million dollar grant, a Literacy Center was opened at Merced College.  The center includes peer mentors, instructional support and assists students with completion of college level english courses.





Paul’s Place – Friday, December 8th, 2017, 6:30am


President Mike Altomare opened the meeting.  Following the opening, announcements were made.




  • Homeless Dinner at the D Street Shelter on Tuesday, December 12th.  Please RSVP to Theresa.


  • Sunrise will be ringing the Salvation Army bell at Save Mart on December 23, to volunteer for a one-hour slot, contact Ruth Alejo.


  • January 5, 2018- Rotary Night Hockey Games- Stockton Arena, part of the proceeds from each ticket go to polio plus.


  • January 18, 2018 – UC Merced Women’s Basketball (5:30pm) & Men’s Basketball Game (7:30pm), both VS. Simpson University


  • February 3, 2018- Mid Year Assembly-Mary Ann Sanders Elem. School Modesto, the club will cover the cost to attend, RSVP as soon as possible to Mike Altomare.




Colton Dennis, Executive Director of the Merced County Arts Council provided an overview of the organization, which is entering into its 40th year of existence and 20th year inside of the multi-cultural arts center.  The theme is 40/20 “Excellence in Arts.” The council has a growing education program as well as a summer program grant from the City of Merced for $8,500, which funded 24 classes.


ARTREE - The council links artists with retired teachers to learn how to teach and they take art teachers to schools in Merced County. The teachers stimulate creativity; excite curiosity in all the arts by facilitating workshops, giving performances, conducting teacher in services and assist in curriculum development.



Paul’s Place – Friday, December 1st, 2017, 6:30am


President Mike Altomare opened the meeting.  Following the opening, announcements were made.




  • Homeless Dinner at the D Street Shelter on Tuesday, December 12th.  Please RSVP to Theresa.


  • Sunrise will be ringing the Salvation Army bell at Save Mart on December 23, to volunteer for a one-hour slot, contact Ruth Alejo.


  • January 5, 2018- Rotary Night Hockey Games- Stockton Arena, part of the proceeds from each ticket go to polio plus.


  • January 18, 2018 – UC Merced Women’s Basketball (5:30pm) & Men’s Basketball Game (7:30pm), both VS. Simpson University


  • February 3, 2018- Mid Year Assembly-Mary Ann Sanders Elem. School Modesto, the club will cover the cost to attend, RSVP as soon as possible to Mike Altomare.




Merced Sunrise Rotary used the weekly gathering time to meet and discuss upcoming club events.


The club welcomed new member Bob!

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