Scroll - July 2017
Paul's Place - Friday, July 28th, 2017, 6:30 am
President Elect Mike Cuchna opened the meeting. Following the opening, announcements were made.
Foundation and Membership Training - 12 Aug, 8:00am-1:00pm, Riverbank
Steve Benner shared with us that we have a new Field of Honor trailer.
Theresa indicated that the next Homeless Dinner will be 10 Aug.
Pope Lawrence introduced Cathi Lancaster, the new CASA of Merced County Executive Director. Cathi shared with us her background and how she came to be the CASA Exe Dir. She also shared dome details of how the funds we have provided as used. Specifically, a bus load of kids took a field trip to UC Santa Cruz, where they had presentation from students (including Guardian Scholars), walked the campus, learned of the program offerings, and generally did what a parent might have done to allow the student to experience an awareness of what might be in their future.
After the campus activities, all took time to enjoy the beach before heading home. It was a long day, but eventful, educational, and beneficial. Both going to UC Santa Cruz and retuning kids had opportunities for games as well as some serious time for questions and answers.
Cathi also provided an overview of CASA and its function within our community. She even provided some information about being a CASA advocate from a personal perspective and how challenging and rewarding an experience it can be for advocates.
If you are looking or more information, just click here.

CASA of Merced County Executive Director

CASA of Merced County Executive Director
Paul's Place - Friday, July 21th, 2017, 6:30 am
President Mike Altomare opened the meeting. Following the opening of the meeting announcements.
- Secretary and DACdb Workshop - 22 July, 8:30am-Noon, Valley First
Credit Union, Modesto
- Foundation and Membership Training - 12 Aug, 8:00am-1:00pm,
- Vice President pin was given to Pope Lawrence
- Board Meeting outcome, seeking a Chair - Grove of Trees
- Tim read a letter from Dave Olsen regarding the Great American Solar
Eclipse, 21 August, starting in Oregon and crossing the United States
then exiting through South Carolina. Dave sent along some goodies
celebrating his years at Merced College teaching - one being a Science
Matters gripper!
- FOH Meeting, Monday, 24 July, 6:00 pm, Nancy's house
Vocational Inspiration:
Mike Altomare chose thee "individuals" who influenced him. First his parents who allow to stand on his own two feet. Next a teacher and family friend. Lastly, two teachers from the Foster Farms Business School who provided the skills to run a business - his own!
Our own Theresa Cesar spoke about Kiva. Turns out our club has been involved with Kiva for many years. Theresa is bringing the micro loaning through Kiva we started years ago back to the forefront. We have provided many micro loans and the majority have been paid back!
By lending as little as $25 on Kiva, anyone can help a borrower start or grow a business, go to school, access clean energy or realize their potential. For some, it’s a matter of survival, for others it’s the fuel for a life-long ambition.
100% of every dollar you lend on Kiva goes to funding loans. Kiva covers costs primarily through optional donations, as well as through support from grants and sponsors.
Theresa encourages each of us to create a Kiva account (at no cost), then join the Merced Sunrise Rotary team. Once you join you will be able to see all the loans our club has supported. We can then together select and fund individuals together. Imagine making a difference in the life of someone less fortunate in another country with such a small amount of money!
Theresa will be back to report on our progress over the next six months. Take a moment to join Kiva and become part of our collective effort to help others!
Paul's Place - Friday, July 14th, 2017, 6:30 am
President Elect Mike Cuchna opened the meeting. Following the opening of the meeting announcements.
Secretary and DACdb Workshop - 22 July, 8:30am-Noon, Valley First Credit Union, Modesto
Foundation and Membership Training - 12 Aug, 8:00am-1:00pm, Riverbank
Past President pin was given to Bob Casey
Tim O'Neill introduced Lamar Henderson, the Program Coordinator for the All Dads Matter of the Merced County Human Services Agency. Lamar spoke about the various workshops offered to expecting and new dads who want to learn how to best address issues of being a new dad. Lamar spoke about the importance that good fatherhood has for a child's development and how fatherhood programs help new fathers become successful fathers.
Beyond the Fatherhood programs, "Boot Camp for Dad's" offering are held the first and third Saturday every month here in Merced and Los Banos. "Father's Support Group" meeting are held every Tuesday evening.
Additionally, an interagency collaboration between the Merced County Office of Education Head Start Program and The Merced County Human Services programs received national recognition. They simply combined efforts for kids by assuring that dads were part of the process. Dads and kids did projects together. Things as simple as cooking or doing science projects or sporting activities.
Lamar ended his presentation with a feel-good story about his relationship with his dad. A perfect example of what could and should take place between father and child as father takes responsibility for nurturing a young individual to adulthood. A great message to start any day!
Paul's Place - Friday, July 7th, 2017, 6:30 am
Our new President for 2017-18, Mike Altomare, opened the meeting. Following the opening of the meeting announcements and opportunities for giving took place.
The announcement(s) were:
Making A Difference Training - 12 Aug, 8:00am-1:00pm, Riverbank
Vocational Inspiration
Alan Arnold delivered his vocational inspiration with as series of stories about his dad, the person that inspired him. Seems dad had a way to assure that when a task was undertaken, you stay engaged until the task has been completed. Apparently this was made evident to Alan one year when he was tasked with knocking almonds, a job not many enjoyed back when it was done manually. Alan stayed the course and was rewarded handsomely at the end of his labors. A valuable lesson learned, setting the stage for the years to follow, all because his father cared enough to allow Alan to see how hard work pays off, first hand.
Program - Club Assembly:
Mike asked each of the Directors to share their plans for the new Rotary year. Steve Benner, Director Community Service, spoke about the following:
Field of Honor - Nancy and Dewayne passed around timeline for 2017
Homeless Dinners
The Arts in Merced
Special Olympics
Community Needs Assessment
Welcoming Signs
Love Merced Community Service Days
Volunteering to assist the Merced County Food Bank
Run for the Roses
Rotary Day
International Service Director Doug Forte, shared his thoughts on:
Supporting other clubs Global Grant Projects
Nicaragua - Hearts A Fire Scholarship
Deciding on the Clubs next international project
Our Foundation Chair Frank Reed indicated that he would be reminding us throughout the year of the importance of giving to the Rotary Foundation.
Youth Services is headed by Butch Hughes, who shared the following goals:
Clothes for Kids
Competitive Baseball in Merced
Expansion of Rotaract to Merced College
Youth Art Program
Supporting CASA, All Dads Matter, and the Boys and Girls Club
Vocational Service Director Donald Barclay spoke about he following:
CTE Scholarships
Vocational 180's
Recognizing Members Involvement in Community Organizations
Ideal of Service Community Recognition
Mike Altomare filled for Gina Cherf, Club Service Director, by sharing goals:
Finance Committee
Fellowship Events
Training - District and Club In-House
Social Media and Reporting
Meeting Room Set-up
We have set a number of ambitious goals for 2017-8, all can be accomplished with the efforts and cooperation of all our members. Now all we have to do is get to work!!

Program Coordinator

Vocational Chair